Friday, August 26, 2011

Why I do what I do not love: A response to self

As a student of the humanities trapped in the life of a business major, I find myself regularly frustrated by feelings of disaffection. It was during a particularly intense stretch of final examinations that my mind began burning in silent furry. I was physically and mentally exhausted but above all I laid on the brink of psychological defeat. I could no longer study. There, in the library, I would scribble down an impassioned sort of personal constitution. A justification of my choices and declaration of intent. After the half hour spent in composition of this piece, I found myself refreshed. Ready again the dive into tedium of indifference curves and balance sheets...

Because the universe is an organic whole
That I crave to know

Lest the Dionysian forget the Apollonian’s truth
Life cannot be splintered; Knowledge is one

The discipline of disciplines is sublime
And I cannot take what is not mine

So while I may not see, I might still know
If I forge on through I can still hope to grow
I must conquer the depths, beholden to the heights
For my hopeful days, I accept muddled nights
I am you and you are me
But I can still look upon you condescendingly
That which I do love is dependent on you
As the predator to his prey, so must I keep you
So I do what I do not love
And I fasten my eyes to the sky above
That it might one day take hold
And I might be both wise and old

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The difference in time

As seasons change so does our view of our surroundings. Winter brings on a lack of color and separates us from nature, we stay warm in our homes. Summer brings upon color and a closeness with nature, we bbq and camp. But it is all the same just a matter of perception.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Como dói a angústia,
De sentir a incerteza,
De sentir o talvez,
De sentir que nem tudo depende da gente,

Como dói sentir e não poder sentir,
Se entregar com algum limite,
Gostar sem poder gostar mais,
Enxergar, mas o que se vê é apenas uma incerteza,

Como são estranhas essas coincidências,
Como são surpreendentes os nossos caminhos,
Como é difícil perceber que somos tão pequenos...

Enfim, como dói a angústia.

This is a rough translation from google translate. Don't take it too literally...


How painful distress,
Feeling of uncertainty,
To feel perhaps,
Feeling that not everything depends on us,

It hurts not being able to feel and feel,
Indulge in some limit,
Like without power like most,
See, but what you see is only one uncertainty,

How are these strange coincidences,
How amazing are our ways,
As it is difficult to realize that we are so small ...

Anyway, as painful anguish.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


On occasion of the Jewish holiday of Purim I revisit the tale through the prism of the my own perspective and the message that reveals itself to me...

The platitudinous sun rises and birds chirp
The grumbling of gears deafen man’s usurp
The feet carry on while the lungs sigh
Lost in meaninglessness the days blur by
Culture refined to rhythmic irrelevance
A scattered range of utter happenstance
Misplaced consciousness in a world undue
One plus one equals blue
In fear of futility we frantically run in place
Destined for nowhere and nothing in our endless race
We look for progress as if toward some culminate state
Each step seems to bring doom closer as he lay in wait
Reduced to vacuous being in a vacant life
Effervescently the people grow in strife
Time continues and events unfold
Cataclysm stayed by cause untold
Little by little momentum reversed
Survival as it happens merits durst
Such winds all the while unbeknown
The play pushes on in relentless tone
Motions become intelligent as resolve mounts
The saboteurs’ scheme unravels as he miscounts
Tomorrow’s fate perhaps not as yesterday foreshowed
The sight of life’s promise flickers in the mind’s abode
Still silently the pieces fall into place
As if orchestrated by some amazing grace
Suddenly the great decree rings loud and true
With tipping point reached ונהפוך הוא 
Unified in vision and state good prevails
Celebration ensues to mark our travails
Charged with the spread of fun, love and care
Each year we revisit the relief born of despair
In retrospect reality and percept don’t equate
Life may seem vapid but is in truth great
Though in the present direction eludes
All things considered meaning exudes

Monday, March 14, 2011

It doesn't matter who you pray to, for, or against, we as humans should all feel pain from this.

Natural disasters are killing people, and ruining lives in Japan, and many other areas of the Far East, and that is horrific.  But what I find more horrific, disturbing, and tormenting, is the brutal slaughtering of a sleeping family in Israel.

This weekend, on Shabbat, a group of Palestinian terrorists carried out unspeakable, inhumane murders ... and just like after the horrific deaths of our friends, family, and fellow countrymen on 9/11 when the Palestinian people, along with most of the Arab world, rioted with happiness;  to this, they reacted with joy, public celebration, and handing out sweets throughout their cities.

I understand that certain cultures are raised with prejudice and I know I can't change that. But I ask you this, Imagine being twelve again. The insecurities and confusion that we have all known. You walk home from a friend's house, and finding yourself locked out, find someone to let you in, only to be confronted with the sight of your mother, beaten and stabbed to death lying in a pool of her own blood. Your father,  in bed as if asleep, protectively wrapped around your newborn baby sister, both with their throats slashed like animals in a butchery. Imagine that horror. Now, you're running frantically to find your siblings, only to see your eleven year old brother, book open in his lap, slashed over, and over, and over,  to the point of death. You turn around, only to realize that your three year old brother, with multiple stab wounds directly through the heart, is lying dead in a mass of his favorite toys, soaked in blood.

I have five siblings. I am Israeli. I have two parents. This could have been me. Those could have been my brothers and sisters.  This could have been anyone you know, and love.

No matter what beliefs you have, what writings you follow - I can only hope, you would too, be appalled. I beg you, share this story, because no matter your political stance, your opinions on international law, this should evoke some type of emotion from every person.

We all have had parents. Many of us have siblings, or have best friends with siblings, or have babysat infants and toddlers. There are three surviving children from this family, ages 2, 6, and 12. Try, just for a moment, to feel their pain, horror, suffering, and hopelessness, after this scene has been forever seared into their memories. Imagine the shock, and fear they are living in now.

I understand that the overwhelming mass of people on the other side of the Pacific are going through a hell that I can't even dream of - but that seismic event, leading to an unimaginably destructive tsunami, was not brought intentionally on one person by another.

Please, just imagine coming home, to find any one member of someone you consider family, dead and lying in a flowing pool of blood. I personally, would not want to go outside to see people who have,  my entire life, looked at me with baseless hatred in their eyes, dancing and singing in the streets BECAUSE of my loss.

I'm only human. I am only ONE human. But celebrating the brutal murder of a family. A baby, a toddler, a child just learning what it means to be independent.... cannot be seen as an effort for peace.

It doesn't matter how left wing, right wing, conservative, or liberal you are: this should bring tears to your eyes, and make you cry out for the suffering of these children, their family, and the future of an entire people, once hunted, like animals, to the point of near extinction, who are all mourning for the loss of innocent lives butchered at the hands of absolute evil.

Stutter Delight

For some effortless, others may stumble
As they stutter and slur, grumble and mumble.
The right of expression is not theirs to be had
A gift endowed upon every young lad.
Frustration swells in the belly of the throat
Shackled down, waiting to come afloat
Each word articulated - a triumph of will
The heart pounds...and then remains still

Afflicted by this cruel disease
Might there be an opportunity to seize?
If decreed to not speak, I shall listen
To every soul in need, my ear shall glisten!
Do not the wise savour their every word,
As if it were a graceful bird?
Silence is the key to true insight
Forever shall she be my guiding light.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

OverComing Fear

The first jump of a paratrooper is symbolic in many ways. These days the use of it in a war is not to practical so it is clear to have symbolic meaning. The meaning that I think is very real is to be overcoming fear. In joining the army one must confront many things even more so when you go to war.  One must confront the thought of death, and pain for your country.  I see no greater test for Israels top I.D.F.  unit than jumping from a plain. In other words from a man that does not fear many things( heights may be one ) I have crazy respect for a person jumping from a plane with strings and a BIG bag on their back. I was lucky enough to attend my brothers first jump in 08' and just watching was nerve racking. Got some tight shots too, here are some.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Let The Imagination Run Wild

Sometimes I feel passive, restrained and subdued. The trouble is, in Melbourne religious growth is somewhat limited, or at least that is how I feel. My mind wanders and I flick through my personal pictures from my travels over the past few is a short fix, it does not last, but I guess it is better than nothing.    

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A World Of Fire And Ice

This dream is a moon-beam; this dream is made of flesh. Shall I live in this dream til my final breath? I am a broken vessel. I suffer an overflow of gratitude, of too much light, that I can hardly see. Has it really happened? Can prayer succeed? I expected to wander from dust to dust. I anticipated despair. Now the violin in my heart plays sweetly, and my innards choke, for the pleasant is strange to them. My world is transformed to a vision of many spirits, who float through fire and ice, who are made of fire and ice. Have I come to my vision of paradise?


A bitter insomniac, devoid of all sleep
My life lays before my very feet
I reach for the rose upon the bedside table
My only desire, to be more stable
I pluck the petals one by one
Does she love me? I need someone!
To share my feelings, my inner world
To illuminate my soul, fill my void
In essence I have only myself to blame
For opening up and tempting pain

Can I expect her to love what i do not love myself?
The key to happiness - mental health
Tap into the eternal "I" inside
From him, no man can hide
Disconnection, discontentment
Every feeling of downright resentment
All stem from being a stranger
The illusion of separateness - the true danger

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Silent Forest

In a mood of solemnity, I wander through a vast and lonely forest. Guided only by intuition and conceptual analogy, I struggle to navigate through the mire. With these words I attempt to capture the journey and invite you to join me in it.
If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear, does it make a sound?
Is sound a property in man or ground?
Primary, secondary; inherent, perceived
Events transpire by way they’re received
If an atrocity is committed and no one mourns, where is there tragedy?
One by one, round the circuit lives run raggedy
If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear, does it make a sound?
Once a memory is lost can it ever be found?
Gross misfortunes immortalize the hordes
Lives untorortured posterity seldom records
If the divine spirit passed with sacrifice and sorcery, when is there god?
A bated hook drops within, projected from the mighty rod
If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear, does it make a sound?
Can there be life without mind or yet with time consciouslessly unwound?
A pattern of motion or the child of thought
Truths mostly pass off as accordingly taught
If six million perish and none remain, who is there transgressed?
What can be said for oppression without the oppressed?
If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear, does it make a sound?
Absent his subjects, can a king ever be crowned?
Suppose a family is destroyed leaving no remnants
Will the world take heart of its erstwhile eminence?
If I walk alone through an abandoned lot
I will be mindful that here a forest once stood. Did it not?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Warmer Times

In these cold times I cant help but think about those perfect days in the summer when all I want to do is  enjoy the weather and relax on a lake. When I think of those times this is what I see...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Loud Rainy Night

In a loud rainy night, the mind is never at ease:
So much is happening beyond the deserted streets:
So many minds, so many thoughts, each bringing each closer to their death.
--Each bringing each closer to their death
"How much does one know?", is often asked. The better question: "How much is there to know?" Answer this and you are God; answer this and you kill the Almighty.

Am I Leaking?

At the end of a month filled with pure exhaustion, I found myself remembering things that used to make me feel better. Unfortunately, like many people have experienced, the most steady source of reassurance and comfort that I had walked away years ago. Painful as it was, in my state of obtundation, my mind took me back to a time when that wonderful fountain of streaming happiness would have been there  - to bundle me in safety. Upon realizing in the moment that those arms would never wrap around me protectively again; I began to weep. These words are the best I can do - to explain myself. 

weeping draining - leaking
Somehow the body knows to weep
when slashed, with blood;
lymph; cushions blistering burns.
The newborn, instictive, cries for nourishment.
So much nourishment. Again the body weeps -
weeps to soothe, to feed.

Logic explains the loss
of blood for defects, of fluids for destruction
of tears for hunger.

How how can this
a symptom with no physicality
no marking, no measurable existance -
lead to weeping - weeping and only weeping

Like silk on satin
the warm salty ribbon slips
and pools, calmly soaking the pillow, clenched.
the burn of acid -
creeping outward, from the knots tangled
seems imaginary - with no source - how can it be?

the cramping of muscles
not from accumulation of toxin
just from. From nowhere.
The pain, it cannot be drawn. Photographed.
It cannot be measured, or concentrated. Broken down into particles.

But this tearing, gnawing, desperate pain -
is still here.
the body weeps. dripping tears, oozing loss of energy.
from a wound impossible to find.
Impossible to fix. No suturing will seal it.
No gauze can stem this surge of inexorable ache.

This - feeling -
can only be known by one, though
that had before only elation
scintillating joy and satiety.
The comfort of being cacooned
by love.

Like a glass figure
flawless - sparkling, flowing.
glistening, surreal, fragile

so easily shattered and crushed.
From anger
from carelessness
from angst
from apathy.

Filigree in pieces -
ground into sand
irreplaceable, and irreperable.

So the memories cling -
and knowing the absence of what was once,
completion ,
the body weeps for its loss.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


This poem was born out of a sense of great personal frustration and can be described as a polemic, in part against self and in part against society. I tried to lace this piece with different layers of meaning and invite the reader to realize them on his/her own. I will however note the use of mirthful acquiescence and  existential appreciation to conclude the piece.

Isn’t it amazing how
I just want to love; and just tend to hate
My blood I cherish; yours I struggle not to denigrate
Love and hate: interesting things
Multiplicity pulling at my heartstrings
Hate comes easy, but stays a weight
Love is a task, but will liberate
Mind over matter; matter over mind
Each its own to be regarded in kind
I’m perceived as a pest while I hope for the best
Your best, my best: are they not the same quest
We are all the one; the one is all
My blood for your blood; are we even now
To exhaust people is easy; to exhaust peoples is hard
With no end in sight we woefully keep guard

And isn’t it amazing how
We all look for guidance: right and wrong
The will to move; and the yet passionless throng
And its no wonder then that religion should emerge
Vision to confusion; knowledge to purge
Ode to the sheep: shepherdship abound
His flock should be directed; His flock should be found
So many issues; so many eyes
One truth lives; another dies

Isn’t is amazing how
Victims and victimizers; we are all the two
What then can be said for whom is who
Right and wrong; elude me still
Honest to goodness, clarity spells delusion mill
Guidance we seek and guidance delivered
Culture’s replaced belief and belief is mirrored
The time has come for beliefs to be meant
The sacred skeptic has given way to the contemptuous complacent
Cowardice is everywhere and dishonesty too
Right should be sought; not flirted with in cue
The sheep and the shepherd make up the flock
The flock beyond the sheep and the shepherd the clock
Convention meets existential detention
Vice and virtue: continued reinvention

And isn’t it amazing how
Individualism has been made mantric
While universalism is uniquely unpatriotic
The guise of aggression is ambition
And self-absorption – capitalistic rendition
Passion is uncouth
And sensitivity – self-inflicted ruth
Innocence is ignorance
And jading - experience

Isn’t it amazing how
Principles are fundamental and fundamentals extreme
We hold ourselves in too great esteem
Living is sleeping; sleeping to dream
Religion fleets where the proud meet
And people speak and people do
But seldom is there convergence of the two
One mind; one man; one world too
Disharmony; dissent through and through
We fear we are hollow so we stuff away
This stuff is unreal; this stuff won’t stay
Mother culture beguiles the endless race
A whole world spinning in place
Civilization contrived to make nothing something
Its unbridled conquest reveals nothing of something

And isn’t it amazing how
Unconscious drones make society’s daughters
What’s so wrong with stagnant waters
Calm and reflection to navigate direction
Perchance matter and mind’s intersection
No value of time, no sense of import
Just physical pander, transient exhort
Symptoms of The Persistence of Memory
Our attempted remedy – distractive ornery

And isn’t it amazing how
Systems, structures, and codes actual
As if nature were sensible and sense natural
Six million souls; six billion souls
Nobody wants to know; nobody knows
Rather die in Zion than live in the matrix
Let us come to grips, there is no quick fix
Day in day out, puppets employed
Existential contact we zealously avoid
No man is an island but we all build moats
Ships passing in the night; whatever emotes
Purpose now melts away
Who’s to say what’s to say
G-d begets man and man begets god
Truth be told, life is odd
But it’s amazing how